
recent things

so...the summer hasn't been too terrible. trying to do as much as possible before it's all over and done with. went to st. pete a couple of weeks ago. stopped in for the warhol exhibit at their fine art museum and it was pretty damn disappointing. the greatest find was at a record store, daddy kool, we stopped in randomly. i bought the following and blew entirely too much $:
- of montreal: cheery peel
- velvet underground: white light/white heat
- avey tare and panda bear: april and the phantom
- tom waits: swordfishtrombones
 favorite by far as been the william s. burrough's recordings 'break through in grey room'. it's really amazing. blake is pretty sure he's doing his thesis concentrating on burroughs, so it's been a good excuse to do some "research". we finally stopped in at sarasota's independent movie rental store, video renaissance, and we have not been disappointed yet. everything i've come up with to rent they have had and this is very exciting for me. so far we've rented the following:
- drugstore cowboy
(mainly for the burroughs cameo as a junkie priest).
- in the realms of the unreal: documentary on henry darger
this was really great, but the animated "coming to life" of his paintings got creepy and the people who lived around him really sounded like they were talking out of their ass. the introspective on him was worth it though, and i had no idea he was sent to the illinois institute for feebleminded children. the institute was known for their leading work in eugenics and "sterilizations" and this makes an incredible amount of sense for the content of his work.
- bonnie and clyde
was ready to finally have this to watch, and unfortunately it was slow-moving and boring and not that great, visually.
- videodrome
starting me on a cronenberg kick
- thx 1138
- orson welles' lady from shanghai

it's nice to indulge in film for a bit. 

also got our hands on battle royale. that sent back some good memories.
alright. thats all.


  1. mmm, battle royale and watching every night for two weeks straight.

  2. i watched that darger doc.
    it's nice to hear your conclusion relating to his history. i dont think i pieced it all together; i was drinking shitty wine.

  3. hey that independent arty rental place might have tampopo, its a japanese movie about noodles ( and more) and......its sublime, see if you can get it its from the mid eighties sometime in there.
